These general terms of use and legal information (hereinafter referred to as “General Terms”) apply to Meedox Srl (hereinafter “Meedox”), whose website is and to its mobile application related, as well as to all related sites or sites linked from including the Meedox Internet sites around the world (hereinafter and jointly referred to as the “Site”). The site is owned by Meedox. By using the site, you expressly accept and consent to these terms of use. If you do not accept them, refrain from using it.

Through this document, Meedox makes available to users (hereinafter, “User” or “Users”) the website and the web and mobile applications of Meedox (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Platform”).

In accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation, the following identification data of the owner of the Platform are provided below:

  • Company name: Meedox Srl
  • Registered office: P.zza Sallustio 3, 00187, Rome
  • REA number RM – 1613227
  • Tax code and registration number to the Business Register: 15776151001

1. Subject

Meedox is a company whose main activity is the development and management of an ecosystem of web and mobile applications through which the end user can use services in the Health and Wellness sector. The user can register, log in and manage their profile, documents and health information free of charge. Meedox is paid only for those who want to use the services of the applications to manage profiles other than their own (for example of family members and / or pets). Therefore the User, in order to use the Meedox services as a caregiver, must activate a Premium subscription (hereinafter referred to as Subscription), monthly or annual, to manage other profiles together with his own. The subscription has a different price depending on whether you choose to pay monthly or annually, or depending on whether you choose to manage a certain number of profiles. Furthermore, the price may vary based on temporary and / or periodic promotions.

Through this document, Meedox confirms that it has obtained all the necessary licenses for the execution of its commercial activities in the country in which it operates.

2. Terms of use

By accessing the Platform and voluntarily creating a profile, all Users expressly and unequivocally acknowledge and accept these General Terms of Use and Subcontracting as well as those of the Privacy and Cookie Policy.

3. User access and registration

To be a User of the Platform, it is essential to meet the following requirements:

  • Users must be at least 18 years old.
  • Users must truthfully complete the mandatory fields of the registration form.
  • Users must accept all the Terms and Conditions.
  • Users must accept the Privacy, Cookies and Data Protection Policy.

The User guarantees that all information relating to his identity provided to Meedox in the registration forms for the Platform is true, accurate and complete. Furthermore, Users undertake to keep their data updated.

If a User provides false, inaccurate or incomplete information or if Meedox believes that there are well-founded reasons for doubting the truthfulness, accuracy or completeness of such information, Meedox may deny, upon notice, the User access to this or future to the Platform or any of its content and / or services as well as its use.

When registering on the Platform, Users must enter an e-mail address and choose a password. Both the e-mail address and the password are strictly confidential, personal and non-transferable. To increase account security, Meedox advises Users not to use the same login credentials as other platforms. If a User uses the same login credentials as other platforms, Meedox will not be able to guarantee the security of the account or that the User is the only person to access her profile.

Users undertake not to disclose their account details and not to allow access to their account to third parties. Users will be solely responsible for any use of such data or the services of the Site that may be performed by third parties, including the declarations and / or contents posted on the Platform, or for any other action performed with their username and / or their password.

Users are the sole owners of the content they enter on the Platform.

Meedox does not guarantee the identity of registered users and will therefore not be responsible for the use by unauthorized third parties of the identity of a registered user. Users undertake to immediately inform Meedox, using the communication channels made available by Meedox, in the event that their credentials are stolen, disclosed or lost.

3.1 Profile

To complete their registration on the Platform, Users must provide specific details, such as: name, surname and e-mail address among others. Once the registration process is complete, all Users will be able to access their profile and complete and modify it, as they see fit. Meedox does not save users’ payment data, which will be processed and saved by the payment service provider as described in these Terms and in the Privacy Policy.

4. Operation of the service. Terms of the mandate.

When a User needs a service offered, he must go to the Platform and request the service using the aforementioned electronic methods.

Users must provide all information, in as much detail as possible.

5. Prices of services

Users can register on the Platform and use it for free, reserving the right to decide otherwise, after notifying the users of the changes established. Users may have to pay for some services on the Platform as provided in these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

5.1 Meedox Premium: the subscription

The Meedox service is provided with 3 types of Premium subscription: Small, Medium and Large.

The description of the services associated with each mode is detailed at and is subject to updates.

Payments of all usage fees, whether annual or monthly, are to be considered in advance and to be made immediately after registration. From the moment of registration, the fee will cover the period of one year or one month as chosen (e.g. if you subscribe to the annual subscription on June 1, 2022, the fee covers the cost of the service until May 30, 2023; if you subscribe to the monthly subscription the fee covers the cost of the service until 30 June 2022). In the event of early withdrawal, the fees paid will be retained as a cancellation penalty. In case of switching to another type of subscription, more or less expensive, the full amount requested must be paid. There are no refunds for switching to a less expensive subscription.

The purchase and payment of the fee can be made both on the web platform and through the app and the completion of the activation will take place only after regular payment.

A free trial period of up to 30 days is guaranteed. During the trial period, no fee is due for the use of the Meedox subscription. Therefore, only after the 30-day trial has elapsed, if the user decides to continue using the chosen Meedox subscription, will the payment for the chosen subscription take place.

Payments can only be made online via credit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay. The credit card payment system is managed exclusively by Stripe inc. and no data relating to the credit cards used is kept by Meedox Srl.
Meedox has the right to temporarily or permanently change the rates applied to its services and the features included for promotional purposes or for the activation of new services; these changes take effect immediately upon their publication on

All rates are always indicated in euros (EUR) and include the statutory VAT.
Meedox reserves the right to change the prices on the Platform at any time. Such changes will take effect immediately upon posting.

6. Promotional codes and / or other offers or discounts

Meedox can unilaterally provide discount codes to be used within the Platform at any time. The User acknowledges and accepts that these discount codes must be used within twelve (12) months (unless a specific expiration date communicated together with the discount code) from the date on which they are made available to the User on the Platform.

Promotional codes and / or other offers or discounts offered on the Platform must be correctly entered before proceeding with payment. Otherwise, they will have no effect and the User will not be able to use them.

Meedox reserves the right to unilaterally cancel promotional codes and / or other offers or discounts offered if it becomes aware of their fraudulent use (including, for example, a promotional code redeemed by someone who is not the legitimate recipient, the mass communication of codes or the sale of codes or discounts), at the end of the period indicated above. Furthermore, it reserves the right to apply penalties to Users for the amount of which Meedox has been defrauded as a result of such use.

Meedox will not accept any responsibility in the event that, as a consequence of an event of force majeure or other events beyond its control or justified by necessity, it is forced to cancel, reduce, extend or modify the conditions of the promotions.

In particular, Meedox will not accept any responsibility if the Platform is not available at any time during the promotions or due to a malfunction of the automatic promotions system.

Promotional codes cannot be combined. The user can only use 1 (one) promotional code per profile.

It is forbidden for the same User to register several times to obtain illegal advantages that are not in good faith, malicious, or that contravene our Terms and Conditions.

7. Right of withdrawal and cancellation of the service

In accordance with the nature of the service offered by Meedox, the User is aware that once he has activated the paid service he is not entitled to a refund but only to the cancellation of the tacit renewal.

8. Cost of services

The price of each subscription varies according to the number of profiles managed and the coverage period (monthly or yearly).

Meedox reserves the right to change prices based on business and market decisions as well as to add other paid services not included in the subscription.

In accordance with these terms, Users will have the right to know the actual price they will have to pay for their Subscription before purchasing it.

Payment for the service can be made using the following methods, among which the User can freely choose:

  • Monthly payments with automatic renewal: Meedox will collect the total amount of the User in each calendar month by direct debit based on the information provided by the User himself during the subscription phase.
  • Annual payments with automatic renewal: Meedox will collect the total amount of the User in each calendar year by direct debit based on the information provided by the User himself during the subscription phase.

If the direct debit is canceled, and consequently the relative payment cannot be collected, the renewal of the Subscription will not be carried out and it will no longer be possible for the User to continue using the services offered by the Subscription.

9. Solidarity in Meedox

Meedox collaborates with various institutes, non-profit organizations, charities and non-governmental organizations (hereinafter “Bodies” or “Entities”) in charitable and solidarity projects, donation campaigns and non-profit campaigns in some of the countries in which it operates (subject to the applicability in each country). Meedox acts as an intermediary in the organization of such campaigns and projects, based solely on its good faith and its desire to contribute to social initiatives.

Meedox donates part of the Subscription paid by the User in the forms established with the Body itself.

Meedox does not accept responsibility for the final use or the outcome of such campaigns. Furthermore, it does not provide any security or guarantee, nor does it accept any legal responsibility regarding the way in which donations are used by the Bodies and has no control over this aspect.

10. User obligations

Users are fully responsible for the proper use of their profile and access to it and other contents of the Platform, which they undertake to adopt in accordance with the legislation in force, national or international, of the country from which they are using the Platform, as well as with the principles of good faith, morals, generally accepted customs and public order. Specifically, they undertake to diligently comply with these General Terms of Use.

Users are responsible for correctly entering their e-mail address and their individual passwords, which are not transferable and which must be sufficiently complex, and not to use the same login credentials as other platforms and / or online services, all of this in order to protect their account from fraudulent use by unauthorized third parties.

Users must avoid using the contents of their profile and other platforms for illegal purposes or with illegal results that damage the rights and interests of third parties or that may in any way damage, disable, prejudice or compromise the Platform and its contents and services. Furthermore, they must not prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the Platform by other Users.

Meedox may not be considered as having editorial responsibility and expressly declares that it does not identify with the opinions expressed by Users on the Platform, the consequences of which will be the sole responsibility of those who express them.

Any person who violates the above obligations will be liable for any loss or damage caused by them. Meedox will not accept any responsibility for any consequence, loss or damage resulting from such illegal use or access by third parties.

In general, Users undertake, by way of example but not limited to:

  • To avoid altering or modifying the Platform, in whole or in part, by bypassing, disabling or tampering in any other way with its functions or services;
  • To avoid violating industrial and intellectual property rights or legislation on the protection of personal data;
  • To avoid using the Platform to insult, defame, threaten or harass other Users or to attack their image;
  • To avoid accessing the e-mail accounts of other Users;
  • To avoid introducing computer viruses, corrupted files or any other software that may cause damage or alterations to the contents or systems of Meedox or third parties;
  • To avoid sending mass and / or periodic emails to different people or sending third party email addresses without their consent;
  • To avoid advertising goods or services without the prior consent of Meedox.

Any User can report another User if they believe that the latter violates these General Terms of Use. Likewise, any User can inform Meedox of any abuse or violation of these terms via the Contact Form. Meedox will verify such reports as soon as possible and will take any action it deems appropriate, reserving the right to remove and / or suspend any User from the Platform for violation of these General Terms of Use. Furthermore, Meedox reserves the right to remove and / or suspend any message with illegal or offensive content without the need for prior notice or subsequent notification.

11. User de-registration

Users can de-register from the Platform using the account deletion function from the settings menu.

12. Liability of Meedox

Users are responsible for owning the services and equipment necessary to browse the Internet and access the Platform. Users can report any incident or problem in accessing the Platform to Meedox using the contact channels made available to Users and Meedox will analyze the incident and provide the User with instructions on how to resolve it as soon as possible.

Meedox does not control and is not responsible for the content uploaded by Users through the Platform and Users are solely responsible for any illegality and / or illegality of such content.

Meedox will not be liable for service interruptions, connection errors, unavailability of, or errors in, the Internet access service or Internet interruptions or for any matter beyond its control.

Meedox accepts no responsibility for any security errors that may occur or for any damage that may be caused to the User’s computer system (hardware and software) or to the files or documents stored therein, as a result of:

  • The presence of a virus in the User’s computer system or mobile phone used to connect to the contents and services of the Platform;
  • A malfunction of the browser and / or smartphone and / or its operating system;
  • The use of dated versions of the browser and / or smartphone and / or its operating system.

13. Liability for content

Meedox does not control (and has no obligation to control) the way in which Users use the Platform. Therefore, it does not guarantee that Users will use the Platform in accordance with these General Terms of Use or in a diligent and / or prudent manner. Meedox does not verify (and has no obligation to verify) the identity of the Users or the truthfulness, actual validity, completeness and / or authenticity of the data provided by them.

Meedox refuses any responsibility for damages of any kind deriving from the illegal and / or unlawful use of the Platform by Users or due to untrue information provided by Users to other Users about themselves, or no longer valid, incomplete and / or false and, in particular and without limitation, for any loss or damage of any kind due to the fact that a User impersonates a third party in any type of communication made through the Platform. In particular, Meedox does not accept any responsibility for the use of the Platform by a third party from the User’s account.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, Meedox reserves the right to entirely or partially limit access to the Platform of certain Users, as well as to cancel, suspend, block or remove certain types of content, using appropriate technological tools, in the event that it becomes aware , or there are other signs, that the activity or information saved is illegal or harmful to the rights or property of a third party. For this purpose, Meedox can establish any filter necessary to prevent the service from being used to upload illegal, harmful or otherwise non-compliant content on the Internet with a reasonable use of the services made available by the Platform. By making the content available through the Platform, Users assign to Meedox all the rights of exploitation in anonymized form deriving from the content provided.

14. Updates and changes to the Platform

Meedox reserves the right to change these General Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy at any time and without notice. Users must carefully read these General Terms of Use when accessing the Platform. In any case, acceptance of the General Terms is an essential step to be performed before accessing the services and content available through the Meedox Platform.

Furthermore, Meedox reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its Platform, at any time and without the need for prior notice, as regards its layout, presentation and access conditions, without accepting any liability in relation thereto. Meedox does not guarantee the absence of errors or interruptions when accessing the Platform or its content, or that the Platform will always be updated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Meedox shall, except in the case of circumstances that make it difficult or impossible, take all necessary or sufficient steps to correct such errors, restore communication and update the contents as soon as it becomes aware of the errors or disconnections or of outdated content.

15. Intellectual Property

Meedox is the owner or licensee of all intellectual and industrial property rights included in the Platform as well as of the contents that can be accessed through them. The intellectual property rights of the Platform, as well as text, images, graphics, navigation structure, information and contents included, are owned by Meedox, which holds the exclusive right to exercise the exploitation rights in any way, in particular the rights of reproduction, distribution, publication and transformation, in compliance with the Italian legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights.

Authorizing a User to access the Platform does not imply the waiver, transfer, licensing or total or partial assignment of any intellectual or industrial property right. It is forbidden to delete, bypass or tamper in any way with the content of the Meedox Platform. Furthermore, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, advertise, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by post, transmit, use, process or distribute in any way all or some of the contents included in the Meedox Platform for public or commercial purposes, except with the express written authorization of Meedox or, where applicable, that of the owner of the rights concerned.

Any User who shares content of any kind through the Platform declares to have the necessary rights to do so, relieving Meedox from any responsibility relating to the content and legitimacy of the information provided. By providing content through the Platform, Users assign to Meedox, free of charge and to the maximum extent permitted by the legislation in force, the rights of exploitation on the intellectual or industrial property deriving from such content.

16. Divisibility

If any provision of these General Terms is void or void under the law, such provision will be deemed not to be included. This declaration of nullity will not cause the cancellation of the other clauses, which will remain valid and in force between the Parties.

17. Applicable law

The relationship between Meedox and the User will be governed and interpreted in accordance with these General Terms, the interpretation, validity and application of which will be governed by Italian law and any dispute will be submitted to the Courts of Rome.

18. Alternative Dispute Resolution

Any dispute or disagreement arising outside the European Union will be presented to the Italian Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce.

19. Specific terms and conditions

These terms and conditions will apply to Users who subscribe to a Meedox Subscription. These Terms and Conditions do not replace the General Terms of Use of the Platform; in any case, they integrate them and can be modified and extended by Meedox at any time.

What is the Meedox subscription?

With the Meedox subscription it will be possible for the User, in exchange for a fixed monthly or annual cost, to manage other profiles within the Platform together with the management of their own profile.

Subscription process

To subscribe to the subscription, you must have an active Meedox account and therefore be a User of the Platform.

The subscription is activated through the following process:

  • log in to your account;
  • enter the section entitled “Your premium”;
  • select the type of subscription desired;
  • record payment references;
  • the payment date will be the subscription start date (hereinafter “Activation date”) and the subscription will be valid for a period of one month or one year depending on the method chosen. On the Activation Date, the User who has subscribed to the Subscription will receive an e-mail confirming the subscription to the address provided to Meedox during registration;
  • after the Activation Date, a trial period of the Subscription services begins for one month, at the end of which the payment will be made automatically and the actual Subscription period will begin (of one month or one year depending on what was chosen during the subscription);
  • Users will find all the information relating to the Subscription in the “Your premium” section of the application. Here, they will be able to check the remaining period of their free trial period, where applicable, as well as, among other things, cancel their Subscription.

Subscription period

  1. The Meedox subscription period can last:
  • monthly: it will have a duration of one month until the day immediately preceding the equivalent date of the following month (hereinafter “Monthly”), starting from the Activation Date, and will be renewed every month unless the User cancels the Subscription. Therefore, if the Activation Date is October 10, the Monthly must be renewed on November 10;
  • annual: it will have a duration of one year until the day immediately preceding the equivalent date of the following year (hereinafter “Annual”), starting from the Activation Date, and must be renewed every year. Therefore, if the Activation Date is October 10, the Annual must be renewed on October 10 of the following year.
  1. By accepting these terms and conditions, Users agree that the Subscription will be renewed automatically until the renewal is expressly canceled.

Right of withdrawal

  1. If you wish to exercise the right of withdrawal, before the end of the Monthly or Annual (hereinafter “Expiration”) of the Subscription, you must access the “Your Premium” section of the account and deselect the automatic renewal, the Subscription it will remain active until its expiration and will no longer be renewed.
  2. The account will no longer be able to manage additional profiles after the Subscription Expiration. This means that you can continue to manage all additional profiles after deactivating the automatic renewal or cancellation of the subscription until the day of expiration.
  3. To avoid being charged for renewal, it is necessary to exercise the right of withdrawal at least two (2) working days before the Subscription Expiry.
  4. Payments are non-refundable and no refunds or credit will be provided for unused or partially used Subscription periods. No refunds or credits will be provided even for partial subscription periods.
  5. If you have decided to cancel the Subscription or have decided not to renew it, you can continue to use the Platform even after the deadline to manage your profile and possibly download and / or delete additional profiles that are no longer manageable, it is You can reactivate the subscription at any time (without trial period) and go back to managing the additional profiles created previously.

Service costs

  1. The cost of the Subscription will be the amount specified in the commercial offer or in the “Your premium” section, unless the User has been granted a discount or promotional code pursuant to Section 6 “Promotional codes and / or other offers or discounts ”of this document.
  2. The subscription costs indicated include any indirect taxes that may be applicable.
  3. The cost will be automatically charged on a monthly or annual basis from the Activation Date to the payment method designated by the User after the free trial period.
  4. Meedox reserves the right to change costs at any time after notifying its subscribers. Once this notification has been sent, Meedox can charge the new amounts at the next subscription renewal.

Fraud and Account Blocking

In the event that Meedox detects any sign of improper and / or fraudulent use of the Meedox account, it can, automatically and without notice, deactivate the Subscription as well as, in addition to this and at any time, the User’s account, reserving the right to take any legal action based on the gravity of the circumstances under consideration. Furthermore, Meedox reserves the right to cancel Subscriptions at its sole discretion by providing notice to Users.

User assistance service

Meedox will make available to all Users an appropriate Contact Form to report any incident relating to the services offered.

  1. Meedox may at its discretion provide the services of the Platform free of charge for as long as it deems necessary and only to Users it deems appropriate.
  2. At the end of the free trial period, Users will be required to pay the subscription fee to continue using the services and to comply with the same terms and conditions applicable to all other Meedox Users.
  3. If the Meedox Subscription is canceled, either accidentally or for any other reason, before the end of the related free trial period, the free trial offer is considered completed and a new free trial period will not be offered in any case.
  4. Meedox reserves the right to randomly choose the Users to whom to offer a free trial period or, where applicable, other promotions related to the service.

Applicable law

The relationship between Meedox and each subscriber will be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, these Terms and Conditions, the interpretation, validity and application of which will be governed by Italian law and any dispute will be submitted to the Courts of Rome.