Meedox for Investors: February 22, 2022

Digital Magics organizes the Winter Showcase 2022 which takes place on February 22, 2022 at 5 pm.
Meedox is ready to present the project to an audience of investors and talk about the upcoming news.
To participate, register here:
Meedox was born in 2020 and wants to offer a service for the management of all medical activities in a single digital healthcare ecosystem. Meedox is an interconnected set of Apps in which each one provides for a different need. It makes use of proprietary algorithms developed with the use of AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Cloud Computing, Edge Computing and Big Data, and consists of the following apps:
- Meedox Health
- Meedox Medicine
- Meedox Pharmacy
- Meedox Hospital
- Meedox School
- Meedox Welfare
- Meedox Assistance
The Meedox technology and project are part of the Health-tech market (technology applied to health) and specifically e-Health (use of AI technologies for the benefit of human health) and m-Health (use of smart or portable for health services).
But Meedox is much more.
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