You will be able to contact the medical specialist you need for both a visit and a video consultation, for the whole family.
Detailed and comprehensive medical informations (demographics, medical history, diagnoses, treatments, lab tests, imaging results and more).
Fundamental for the management, monitoring and coordination of health care (medical history, diagnosis, treatments, prescriptions and test results, and more).
Collects all relevant information about the patient's health, including medical and behavioral aspects: family and personal history, vaccinations, lifestyle, and more.
Measures and treatments to cure a disease, alleviate the symptoms and improve the quality of life of each person: from the definition to the evaluation of the results of the therapy.
Paracetamolo e ibuprofene sempre presenti nell’armadietto per alleviare dolore e febbre, sintomi che tutti prima o poi abbiamo avuto.
You will be able to contact the medical specialist you need for both a visit and a video consultation, for the whole family.
You can take care of your puppy by contacting the vet even for a remote consultation (video consultation).
And if you have a specific health facility where you prefer to have a visit or book a diagnostic test, you can choose it from those found on Meedox.