E-health: the new technology for healthcare

The health system is permeated by a real ‘health revolution’. This revolution takes place through digital transformation and if the world of healthcare lives in a timely manner this change, it will be able to bring significant benefits and advantages to everyone, and the patient will be able to access treatment faster.
The digital transformation underway leads to an intelligent and meaningful analysis that provides useful information and which can lead to:
- preventive, predictive and precise care,
- more consistent care thanks to individualized treatment plans that take into account specific social risk factors,
- better health conditions as a result of treatment,
- greater information and understanding of the risks that patients are facing to.
The patient-centric approach
The use of digital technologies to access health care is therefore growing in the world. Patients are increasingly smart and use Internet not only to find out about certain diseases but also to book appointments, to receive home visits and organize televisits.
The new digital healthcare, the so-called e-health, focuses on the patient and this is an epochal transition. It is no longer the doctor who is at the center, now there is the new concept of customer centricity in healthcare. And this Meedox has understood well. With its applications, Meedox lets the patient lead the change.
The patient is the main player in digital healthcare and with Meedox has the tools to access treatment more quickly and efficiently, also being able to count on televisits, teleconsultations, health telecooperation (and home visits) through so-called telemedicine.
Tele-health and technology: the telemedicine
With specialized Telemedicine, remote medical services are provided within a specific medical discipline and can take place between doctor and patient or between doctors and other health professionals.
The remotely managed relationship of the doctor-patient and that between doctors is recognized by the National Health System (SNN) in 3 ways (See .pdf: Telemedicine – National guidelines – Italian):
- Televisit – the doctor interacts with the patient remotely. The medical diagnosis deed resulting from the visit can lead to the prescription of drugs or treatments. During the Televisit an healthcare professional who is close to the patient can assist the doctor. The connection must allow the doctor to see and interact with the patient and must take place in real or deferred time.
- Teleconsultation – indication of diagnosis and / or choice of therapy without the physical presence of the patient. This is a remote consulting activity between doctors that allows a doctor to ask for the advice of one or more doctors, based on specific training and expertise, based on medical information related to taking care of the patient.
- Health Telecooperation – assistance provided by a doctor or other health care worker to another doctor or other health worker engaged in a health act. The term is also used for the advice given to those providing emergency aid.
Meedox for e-health
Meedox fits perfectly into the new e-health model with innovative solutions that optimize information flows and processes that are currently congested because they are not technologically digitized or not at all. Meedox achieves what we call the ‘Healthcare Digital Revolution‘ using:
- AI (Artificial Intelligence): adoption of machine learning algorithms and specifically digital neural networks for monitoring biometric data and data driven processes, in order to provide a smart assistant for decision making together with increasingly efficient predictive technology.
- IoT (Internet of Thinks): integration with physical devices designed by Meedox (for users without a smartphone and/or internet connection) for remote monitoring of therapies by a care giver and for the detection of emergency situations and/or distress call. It comes to the aid of doctors and users, especially when applied to telemedicine devices that are made intelligent in an interconnected system. All Meedox applications are in fact designed to communicate synergistically with third-party devices, not only medical but also wearable.
- Cloud Computing: all our services use cloud providers such as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) in order to take advantage of the highest standards in security, scalability, reliability and performance.
- Edge Computing: to maximize the performance of analysis and assistance in decision making, the device used by the doctor and/or citizen actively contributes to the processing of information by providing pre-processed data to the cloud service.
- Big data: designed to receive data from electro-medical devices and/or wearable devices, Meedox classifies and manages the large amount of information to facilitate analysis efficiently.